Meet Daniel Kendrick- One of our recent Piano Tuning School graduates. Daniel is the proud owner of Kendrick Pianos in the Nashville Tennessee area. Thanks to his hard work and dedication, Daniel finished our online piano tuning course in less than 2 months! Kendrick Pianos is now a thriving piano tuning and repair business with plans to start selling used pianos in the future.

Daniel grew up playing classical, contemporary and jazz piano all over the Nashville area and was always fascinated with the piano and how it worked. After working in the costumer service industry and attending college, Daniel decided he wanted to have a job doing what he loved. He looked into a few different piano tuning schools but in the end he decided that The Piano Technician Academy’s online piano tuning course was going to fit his needs the best.

While taking our piano tuning course, Daniel started tuning his friends and family’s pianos to get the hands on experience we encourage all of our students to get. After getting a few pianos under his belt, he started charging a discounted piano tuning fee which allowed him to pay for his entire piano tuning course before he even finished! The experience also allowed him to really put what he was learning at our online piano tuning school to the test. Daniel is now a Certified Piano Technician and has already built a thriving piano tuning business. He enjoys setting his own hours and working for himself with the instrument that he loves.

If you or someone you know is interested in learning how to tune pianos or is interested in starting a new career, please don’t hesitate to send them our way. Online piano tuning school teaches our students how to tune a piano as well as how to build a piano tuning business. The industry needs new fresh tuners to pick up all the business left by the older tuners who are retiring so don’t hesitate to enroll in piano tuning school today!

The post Online Piano Tuning School Success Story appeared first on Piano Technician Academy.

Michael Stilwell
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